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The Sermon on the Mount is, without a doubt, one of the most import speeches in all of human history. Some of the world most pivotal leaders and thinkers have traced their influence back to the this sermon. Not to mention the hundreds of millions of individuals who have staked their life on the wisdom and compassion of a life lived with God that springs from these words. Rooted in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus’ message offers a blueprint for living awake and engaged inside of God’s Kingdom.

But, with all that build up we must also acknowledge that there is a lot going on in this sermon, and therefore a lot that can be missed or misunderstood. So, in this post were are going to look at this sermon from the top of the mountain. We will break it into three essential sections, provide some behind the scenes context to hopefully illuminate the full picture of this incredible sermon.

The Sermon begins with an invitation to experience the abundant life of God’s Kingdom. Jesus challenges conventional notions of privilege and status, declaring that the marginalized and the oppressed are the foremost inheritors of God’s blessings in a famous segment that has come to be known as The Beatitudes. It’s important to recognize that Jesus begins his most essential teaching with an upside vision of how the world works based not on our values and insecurities but on God’s values and provision. This introductory segment sets the stage for a profound exploration of righteousness—a righteousness that transcends mere adherence to religious laws and rituals and invites us into a dynamic reality governed by God.

Righteousness, as Jesus explains, is living in right relationship with God and others, fostering justice and peace in the world. His teachings serve as a manifesto on righteousness. He brilliantly examines three dimensions of right living with God in the remainder of the sermon.

Fulfilled Not Abolished

First, Jesus affirms the continuity between his teachings and the Hebrew scriptures, emphasizing their fulfillment through him and his teachings rather than their abolition. He delves into various aspects of the Torah (the first five books of the Bible and the prevailing law of life with God at the time), illuminating its underlying principles of love and compassion.

Lived Out Not Shown Off

Second, Jesus scrutinizes the religious practices of his time, cautioning against performative acts without lived character. He invites his followers to cultivate a spirituality grounded in the real world with humility and authenticity, rather than seeking validation from others. This section underscores the intrinsic value of a lived faith with sincere devotion—a devotion that transcends outward displays of religiosity.

Become New Not Same Old

Thirdly, Jesus addresses the intricacies of human relationships, urging his disciples to embody compassion, discernment, and forgiveness as a way of life. He emphasizes the importance of integrity and empathy, guiding his followers towards a path of reconciliation and harmony. This holistic approach to righteousness encompasses every facet of our lives, from personal piety to communal solidarity.

The sermon ends with a stark choice—a choice between two paths, two leaders, and two foundations. Jesus vividly portrays the consequences of our decisions, urging us to build our lives upon the solid foundation of his teachings. This conclusion summarizes the essence of the entire sermon—we have been invited to embrace the transformative power of love and righteousness in the Kingdom of God.

Sermon on the Mount was never meant to be heard and then forgotten but received and lived. It highlights the meticulous structure and profound significance of Jesus’ teachings, inviting us to go on a journey of spiritual renewal and transformation. As we reflect on the timeless wisdom contained within these words, may we embody righteousness in our lives and participate in the unfolding of God’s Kingdom on earth.

Reflection Questions:

  1. How does Jesus’ invitation to experience God’s Kingdom challenge our preconceived notions of privilege and status?
  2. In what ways can we cultivate a spirituality grounded in humility and authenticity, rather than seeking validation from external sources?
  3. How do Jesus’ teachings on righteousness inform our approach to personal piety and communal solidarity in today’s context?
  4. What choices are we faced with in light of the Sermon on the Mount, and how do these choices shape our lives and relationships?
  5. How can we practically apply the principles of love and righteousness espoused by Jesus in our daily lives and communities?

Find More

How to Understand the Sermon on the Mount

2. How to Understand the Sermon on the Mount | John Ortberg – Insurmountable (becomenew.com)