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Following Jesus comes at a price. 

In the accounting world, we would quantify price with a cost/gain analysis. Who’s up for some Jesus math today?

Often, when we hear about sacrificing our lives to be a Christ follower, we may associate that notion with feelings of oppression or burden. However, truly counting the cost means taking into consideration both the losses and the gains in any given situation. It’s analytical, really. In our day-to-day lives, it’s commonplace for us to ask, “Which option will be most beneficial to me?” Then we choose.

Truth is, that applies to our walk with Jesus. We all have to decide where we invest our time and our resources in life. Where we disciple and where we don’t. Where we shine and where we dim. 

So what’s the true cost breakdown of following Jesus?

Here are a few examples of what it can cost:

  • Time
  • Money
  • Ambitions
  • Relationships
  • Autonomy
  • Control (or at least the illusion of it)

And what are the gains? Let’s take a look:

  • Forgiveness
  • Friendship with Jesus
  • Constant companionship
  • Unfettered acceptance
  • Wisdom
  • Community
  • Transformation
  • Spirit
  • Purpose
  • Meaning
  • Hope

We could go on. But it stands to reason the latter is quite a triumphant list. 

That’s not the end of our accounting today though. Have you ever considered that conversely, there’s a cost to non-discipleship?

Sure, you gain the freedom to live as you please. To act out of your own desires. To do what you want. But in return, there’s no promise of forgiveness. You live at the mercy of your desires, envy, resentment, discontent, and ego. You’re separate from the purest love there is. You’re subject to relational fracture. The list could go on.

Today, simply consider the cost.  For you personally, what’s the cost of being a disciple? What about being a non-disciple? And what do you gain when you choose to follow Jesus? 

Let’s base our decision–whatever it amounts to–on something more substantial than how we feel in the moment. Remember that God created us to have meaning, to make an impact, and to live for others.

What greater reward than to spend a lifetime with HIm?


Curious to hear more on this topic? Check out the Become New series, or click below to watch an episode with more content on counting the costs of being a follower of Jesus.

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