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In our polarized world, it’s easy to fall into the trap of binary thinking. We often view people and ideas as either good or bad, failing to recognize the complexity that exists within each individual. This fascinating aspect of the human experience is explored in a conversation between John and Santiago Mellado, the CEO of Compassion International, in a previously recorded episode from the daily devos. Note that this blog post is a snapshot of that episode.

In this conversation, Mellado shares his experiences working with impoverished communities while living in a privileged society. He acknowledges the temptation to ignore what we cannot tolerate but emphasizes the importance of acting with love and compassion instead. Sometimes, bridging the gap between disagreements and divisions is necessary to make meaningful progress.

The truth is, every heart carries both goodness and darkness. It is a mistake to believe that these qualities are confined to certain individuals, groups, or ideologies. Each one of us possesses a blend of original goodness and the struggle with original sin. Once we accept this inherent complexity of humanity, navigating life becomes much easier.

Binary thinking limits our understanding and prevents us from embracing the full range of human experiences. By acknowledging the existence of both positive and negative aspects within ourselves and others, we can cultivate a more compassionate and empathetic mindset.

It is important to remember that no one is entirely good or entirely bad. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, virtues and flaws. By recognizing and accepting this inherent duality, we can move beyond the surface level of judgments and truly connect with others on a deeper level.

Embracing the complexity of human nature allows us to approach disagreements and divisions with humility and respect. Instead of seeking to prove ourselves right or dismissing opposing viewpoints, we can engage in meaningful dialogue that leads to understanding and growth.

In a world that often seeks simplicity and quick judgments, embracing the complexity of human nature is a radical act. It requires us to let go of preconceived notions and stereotypes and approach each person with an open mind and heart.

Let us strive to see beyond the surface and appreciate the multifaceted nature of humanity. By doing so, we can foster a more compassionate, inclusive, and understanding society.

Note: This blog post reflects on the complexities of human nature and the dangers of binary thinking. It draws inspiration from a conversation between John and Santiago Mellado, CEO of Compassion International. The aim is to encourage readers to embrace the complexity of human experiences and foster a more empathetic and inclusive mindset. Want more? Check out Passage to Wisdom series.