What do we do when we know something needs to change but we can’t do it on our own?
Staying connected with God in Advent
The Withered Hand
Join us for the Withered Hand Series
Join us as we curate some of our previous episodes around prominent themes in our community and culture
Nobody has the story they want.
The Sermon on the Mount is the most prolific talk in human history… Join us as we take it in one day at a time.
Finding God in Your World
Join us December 4th for our Advent series: Finding God in Your World. Featuring John Ortberg, John Mark Comer, Tyler Staton, Condeleezza Rice, and many more guests.
A Journey of Forgivess
To make mistakes is natural, to forgive is supernatural. Discover the miracle of forgiveness.
Join us July 24th as we begin to look at CHARACTER. How to build it and why it matters
In the Beginning
A walk through the first three chapters of Genesis. Looking at creation, identity, sin, and purpose.
Rediscover Leadership
Join us for a 7 part series on Leadership and Spiritual Formation. Featuring John Ortberg and Alan George.
You can be at home in the presence of your heavenly Father no matter what your circumstance or situation. Welcome home.
Second Thoughts
Rethink your strategy for life as we consider the core teachings of Dallas Willard.
Learn to bring God into your habits one day at a time.
Find out what life WITH God can actually look like.
The Gratitude Challenge
Not simply learning about gratitude, but seeking to become more grateful people. The adventure begins…
Made To Count
Every person was created to make a difference in this world.
Swiss physician, Paul Tournier, is our teacher regarding choice, guilt, and grace.
Hear from the Fellowship of the Withered Hand as we revisit favorite episodes.
Become New
We journey through Willard’s “Renovation of the Heart” and learn what becoming new is all about.
Radical Acceptance
Acceptance is the answer.
Passage to Wisdom
From Dostoevsky to Lewis we reflect on lessons from some of the greats.
Hey John, I have a Question
Questions have the power to shape our lives.
First Thoughts
Start each day with one clarifying, challenging, inspiring thought.
From Ashes to Beauty
I can’t. He can. I think I’ll let him. A journey through Lent.
Troubled times are as old as they come but something new is breaking through.
Cultural Moments
Moments of reflection on current events.
Guest Appearances
Learn from the wisdom of others.
Stand Alone Episodes
Series-less thoughts on the person you’re becoming.
It should be easy to take your next step to becoming new.