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Habits. They drive the actions we take every single day. We all have them, whether intentional or not. And today, we’re talking about a single habit that can form meaningful relationships in our lives.

First, it’s important to remember that habits are a gift from God. They give us freedom and power when rightly used. They allow us to focus less on things that become second nature and more on other important things in our lives.

When it comes to habit formation though, there are two potential dangers. The first: we ignore the habits we’re creating and we live enslaved to our desires. The second: we get our habits right but instead of becoming more loving, we get less loving.

So… How do we get it right?

Let’s start with a fun fact. Did you know that Jesus asked 304 questions in the New Testament?

That’s more questions than any other person in the entire Bible. It begs another question… “Why?”

Was it because Jesus was uninformed, ignorant, or obnoxious? That doesn’t seem to follow His reputation. 

Maybe it was because, with every question Jesus asked, He was inviting someone else to respond, to connect. God is a relational God.

So how does all of this connect to us and our relationships? The number one surefire way to cultivate a flourishing relationship is to get better at conversations. Relationships are not a one-way street. If we want to belong or feel a sense of acceptance from someone then we have to be ready to reciprocate that action. 

To have better conversations, we have to be like Jesus and ask more questions.

Connecting with someone can seem complicated, but by simply asking questions you will stay curious about the people in your life, and that curiosity will communicate your love. Use your questions as a catalyst to understand and appreciate the person you are talking to. 

Questions keep conversations going. Conversations deepen connection. And God created us to connect.

Want some conversation starters to help you get going? Here are some questions you can ask the people in your life:

  • What are you passionate about right now?
  • What’s something burdening you right now?
  • How would you rate this season of your life?
  • What’s your intensity with God like right now?
  • What’s something you’re praying for?
  • How can I best support you right now?
  • What has been the most enjoyable part of your week?


Are you questioning what series this content came from (see what we did there)? You can check out Habit Series, or check out this specific episode here.