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How Community Shapes Us: Cultivating a Christ-Centered Life

We don’t walk through life alone. The people we live with, eat with, work with, pray with, and play with shape who we are and who we become. The gift of community is its ability to influence and guide us. As Christians, we are called to create communities that reflect the love and lifestyle of Jesus.

The Influence of Community on Our Lives

Community affects us in many ways. It shapes our worldview, instills values, and influences our behavior. The people we surround ourselves with can either lift us up or lead us astray. Proverbs 13:20 reminds us, “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.” This wisdom highlights the importance of building intentional communities, especially within a Christian context.

A healthy Christian community helps us grow in faith and character. It encourages us to live by higher standards, to love sacrificially, and to seek truth and justice. It’s within these communities that we learn to be more like Christ, growing in virtues such as honesty, commitment, vulnerability, and humility.

Cultivating Christian Community

To create a Christian community that shapes us to be more Christ-like, we need to focus on certain values and practices:


Honesty is key to any genuine relationship. In a Christian community, it means speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15) and being open about our struggles and failures. This openness builds trust and allows us to support each other genuinely. When we are honest about our weaknesses, we give others the courage to be vulnerable too, creating a safe space for growth and healing.


Commitment is essential for building lasting relationships. Jesus showed this through His unwavering commitment to His disciples, despite their flaws. In our communities, we need to show the same steadfastness, sticking with each other through thick and thin. Commitment means showing up, being present, and investing time and energy into our relationships. This dedicated involvement helps us influence and be influenced by our community.


Vulnerability goes hand in hand with honesty and commitment. It means being open about our fears, doubts, and sins, and letting others see our true selves. Jesus demonstrated vulnerability in His moments of prayer and anguish, especially in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46). By being vulnerable, we create an environment where others feel safe to do the same, deepening our connections.


Humility is crucial for creating an authentic Christian community. It means recognizing our own shortcomings and appreciating the strengths and contributions of others. It’s about putting the needs and interests of our community members before our own. Jesus set the perfect example of humility by washing the disciples’ feet (John 13:1-17), symbolizing service and selflessness. In our communities, we should strive to display the same kind of humility by serving each other with love and respect.

Jesus: The Archetype of a Community Builder

Jesus is the perfect example of a community builder. He didn’t surround Himself with the perfect or the self-righteous. Instead, He chose everyday people, with all their flaws and failures, and formed a community with them. His followers were ordinary individuals – fishermen, tax collectors, and even those considered outcasts in society.

But what Jesus called for within this community was extraordinary. He challenged them to live by a higher standard, to love their neighbors as themselves, and to forgive not just seven times, but seventy-seven times (Matthew 18:22). He taught them to serve rather than be served and to give rather than receive.

Ultimately, Jesus showed the greatest act of love and commitment to His community by laying down His life for His friends (John 15:13). Through His sacrifice, He demonstrated what a Christian community should be: a group of people committed to living a loving lifestyle in the ways of Jesus.

As followers of Christ, we are called to build such communities. Not communities made up of ‘perfect’ individuals, but communities of people who, despite their imperfections, are dedicated to embodying the teachings of Jesus in their daily lives. We are called to be honest, committed, vulnerable, and humble, and to inspire these values in those around us. This is the true power of community, and this is how we cultivate a Christ-centered life.

Conclusion: Building a Christ-Centered Community in Daily Life

Reflecting on the profound impact of community, it’s clear that our daily interactions and relationships shape our faith journey and personal growth. By embracing honesty, commitment, vulnerability, and humility, we can create an environment where the love and teachings of Jesus Christ flourish. Here are some practical steps to build such a community in your everyday life:

Seek Intentional Relationships

Surround yourself with people who share your faith and values. Engage with those who challenge you to grow spiritually and morally, and who support your walk with Christ.

Practice Active Listening

Show genuine interest in the lives of those around you. Listen attentively and empathetically, offering support and encouragement. This builds trust and strengthens community bonds.

Engage in Regular Fellowship

Join church activities, small groups, and faith-based gatherings. Regular interaction with your Christian community reinforces shared values and provides opportunities for mutual support.

Be Transparent and Honest

Share your struggles and triumphs with others. Honesty about your journey creates a safe space for others to do the same, fostering a community of trust and mutual support.

Commit to Serving Others

Find ways to serve your community selflessly. Whether through volunteer work, acts of kindness, or simply being there for someone in need, your actions can inspire others to follow Christ’s example of love and service.

Embrace Vulnerability

Be open and real with those around you. Vulnerability deepens relationships and creates a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and understood.

Cultivate Humility

Recognize your own limitations and appreciate the strengths of others. Prioritize the needs of your community members and approach relationships with a spirit of service and respect.

By putting these practices into your daily life, you can help build a Christ-centered community that reflects the love, teachings, and transformative power of Jesus. Remember, it’s through our imperfect yet committed efforts that we truly embody the essence of Christian community, influencing and uplifting each other to live more like Christ every day.

Go Deeper

Thank God for People – The Gratitude Challenge (becomenew.com)

Cultivate Life’s Greatest Relational Habit | John Ortberg – HABIT (becomenew.com)